One person
Editrice Marie Glaize
Edition présentée à l'occasion du Fanzines Festival, Brasserie Atlas, Bruxelles, 14-15 décembre 2024
A week before the Fanzines Festival was due to take place at Brasseries Atlas in Brussels, Marie Glaize contacted me, explaining that she was planning to install a string-puller. A fairground game consisting in pulling a string at random, at the end of which appeared a gift. She was looking for people to make the gifts. The game would cost 5 Euros. Honored by this invitation, I complied. When the day came, I gave her bundles of 5s, so that there would be no deception. People would get their money's worth. Of course, I wasn't in charge of anything that had to do with chance. I would have paid good money to find out what was. To know, in short, who was pulling the strings.

A guide to Brussels
Editions N2H4, April 2024
For several years now, French artist Marc Buchy has been publishing a series of tourist guides dedicated to cities around the world. He commissions artists to design the content and insert it into a recurring layout. The guides take an exclusively digital form. They are on sale at So, invited by M.B. to produce this guide to Brussels, I offered to return the invitation to its sender, suggesting that the aforementioned become the hero of a dreamy stroll through the city of Brussels, which has such a flattering reputation. After all, the publisher knows the city as well as the author. We follow him through places that are dear to his heart, and that the author of the drawings in this guide is obviously familiar with. A four-handed creation, in which we follow each other like shadows. I do the drawings and graphic compositions, and M.B. adds linguistic content, bouncing off the city's celebrated multiculturalism. A way of returning the invitation, perhaps in a game of tennis, to me, a lover of alphabets? A way of publishing Tintin in several languages? Who knows? A philosophy from M.B. to Y.V.P., and vice-versa, in any case. Here are a few excerpts, stolen from the clutches of commerce.

Proche des étoiles (et des commerces) / poster, invitation card, leaflet
Editor L'Orangerie, Bastogne
A Hegelian, even pre-Socratic, idea presented itself: to propose, to investigate, an antithesis to last year's exhibition at the Orangerie in Bastogne. This was a fresco as well as a map of the city of Bastogne, apprehended in its diurnal face. It was painted on the ground using stencils and coloured ropes. All orchestrated and punctuated by yours truly, but shaped for the most part by a group of children. So that was our thesis. A year later, here's the project: reverse everything. An antithesis, then. It all starts with the title. The exhibition entitled "Close to the shops (and the stars)" in 2023 becomes "Close to the stars (and the shops)" in 2024. It follows that the cards, posters and flyers for this second exhibition, this time showing a nocturnal Bastogne, undergo the same process of reversal.

Proche des commerces (et des étoiles) / Poster, invitation card, leaflet
Editor L'Orangerie, Bastogne
Published in May 2023
These three prints accompany the exhibition held at the L'Orangerie art centre in Bastogne in May 2023.
The A3 poster for the exhibition intertwines an advertisement for an estate agency, an optician and a photo of an American flag. A sort of core sample of the subconscious of Bastogne, once the scene of the Battle of the Bulge, now an attractive commercial town. On the front, a starry constellation is drawn with undulating lines threading through the names of the town's shops and restaurants.
The A5 invitation card features a Google Map of the centre of Bastogne on the front, and on the back a graphic composition again combining information about the exhibition and a list of Bastogne's shops. Each card is hand-punched with a few stars. The American flag also plays the role of ghost.
The small leaflet features a sentence evoking cross-country skiing on the front, and a graphic composition suggesting a zigzagging track.

An edition of Marie Glaize, in collaboration with Louis Clais and Yoann Van Parys
Published on January, 1st, 2023
As December approaches, French artist Marie Glaize collaborates with other merrymakers to design an edition that encapsulates the year ahead. In a word: a calendar. Invited to work on the 2023 edition, in the company of Louis Clais, we spent a weekend in Paris during which we considered a dozen possible calendars: a calendar on the perishable leaves of a tree in the Buttes-Chaumont park, a calendar scattered on the anonymous doorbells of Parisian residents, and so on. The choice was the subject of a debate as bitter as it was joyful. At the end of the weekend, a solution was found around the sign "=", separating all the dates of the year. A Zen equivalence of days, à la John Cage. An inclination to fantasy leads some of the opposing factions to add a cut-out shoe to this clear equation. A sort of seven-point boot to leap over the throes of the day. This double sesame would be slipped into the pockets of friends: an equivalence and an accessory. However, it is soon a cousin of the '=' sign that appears: the '≃' sign. This equivalence in nuance wins votes, like the mathematical formula that has finally run through our exchanges. The days passed, and the doubt still plagues Marie Glaize, our Queen of Sheba. She launched the idea of a postcard that would allow our equations to leave the Parisian flat where they were born. And so it is done: the Post Office offers us its logistical support. 2023 is going somewhere. 2023 is going to someone. Well, more or less...

The sense of the measure
Published in February 2022 on the occasion of the Limited Edition Art Fair 2022, Villa Empain, Brussels
January 2022: Omicron is in the air, just like the various Covid passports in the world. I can’t go out of my living room. Everyone speaks on television. We ask numbers to tell us the thruth. Everyone speaks in his or her own name. One tries to teach the children’s people the rigt way. All the boys and the girls in the country are concerned. It’s not sure you’re gonna success this way my Macron. You neglected the human candour in the end. And then it seems that the separate elements of this edition, decorate the other works in the neighbourhood . A comment, a caption, a call for actions. This is how it works, this edition.